Along with the sunshine and warmth that a midwestern Summer brings, damage from storms, hail and wind can be much more prevalent during this time too. Even if the weather has been nice lately – when was the last time you inspected your roof for any damage?

For different styles of roofs, some damage can be obvious, such as: 

  • Tears 
  • Cracks 
  • Dents.

Other issues could be harder to see, like: 

  • Shingle stretching 
  • Bubbling 
  • Blistering 
  • Gutter damage 
  • Broken seals around fixtures.

And once you’ve checked the outside – don’t forget to check the inside of your roof as well! Mold, rotting wood, discoloration and wall stains could be signs of an unseen leak coming from the roof.

If you aren’t sure or are unable to check your roof, CREW can assess your situation and determine if any repairs need to be done or what kind. If repair is needed, we can provide a free written estimate, and work directly with insurance companies to make the process as smooth and painless as possible. 

Don’t wait to get your roof or storm damage fixed! Learn more about our roof repair services below.

Restore. Revamp. Rebuild

Restore. Revamp. Rebuild.