The Laundry room is a unique area in the home. It’s either spotless, or a dumping ground for anything and everything. Typically, if a laundry room is out of site, it becomes the dumping ground. When this happens, that area becomes a great location for mold growth. When we do laundry, we bring it all to the wash, get a load started, and we have great intentions to tackle it all in one day. However, life happens, and we get busy. Wet clothes sit, and now mold growth occurs. Here are a few tips on how to avoid that from happening.
Clean your appliances– Think of all the dirt and grime your washer and dryer deal with. Whether your clothes appear dirty or not, there is a lot you don’t see. When your washer cleans it off your clothes, it can get stuck in your washer. Read the manual and follow the instructions on how to properly clean your appliances. Once done, wipe them down inside and out.
Check for proper ventilation– Make sure you have proper air flow in your laundry room. When you do laundry, open windows, use fans if necessary, and keep the laundry door open to avoid excess humidity in the room.
Utilize a Dehumidifier– You want to maintain proper humidity levels in your laundry room (30-50% is ideal). Using a dehumidifier can help you control the humidity levels.
Wash wet clothes immediately– When you have wet clothes or towels laying around, it makes it a great source for mold to grow. To make life easier, have the wet items be the first load you wash.
Dry clothes when washer is done– Keep the laundry moving. If necessary, set a timer on your phone to remind to you to hang or dry your clothes. Wet clothes can spread mold spores, leaving your clothes and towels smelling very musty.
Maintain your washer– Routinely check that your washer is connected properly to the hose. If this is not attached properly, you could be facing water damage, among other issues. Don’t overfill your washer, to avoid overflow. Keep the lid open when your washer is not in use, giving it time to dry out.
Maintain your dryer– Make it a habit to remove the lint after each use. This will prevent moisture from getting trapped in the dryer. Removing dryer lint also reduces the risk of a dryer fire. If your laundry room feels very humid when you dry clothes, check the vent duct is connected properly to the dryer and there is nothing blocking the air flow outside.
Regulate room temperature– You want to keep your laundry room at an appropriate temperature, especially when your laundry room is in the basement. The basement tends to be a damp humid environment, which mold can thrive. By maintaining proper temperatures and humidity levels, you can avoid mold issues, especially in the laundry room.
When you notice mold in your home, call the professionals at Crew Construction and Restoration. Our team will assess the damage, work with your insurance company, and restore your home. At Crew Construction and Restoration, we are your one stop shop from start to finish for any project. Call today for a free estimate!